This is a Bible study on Genesis 7.

Source: The Outlook, 1980. 4 pages.

Genesis 7 - The Flood

It may seem to some that the discussion of an en­tire chapter is too much material for one lesson. However, we are here dealing with a unit which can­not be split into smaller parts for we would then lose sight of the purpose of this chapter.

Some believe that this chapter deals only with a monotonous repetition of those things which have been revealed in earlier chapters. But, this is not the case. Indeed, certain things have been mentioned before but we are here given further specifics and even the day Noah entered the ark is revealed. This, as has been said earlier, again shows that we are dealing with history.

The day has finally arrived in which God calls Noah and his household into the ark. It had been in process of building for a long time but all things are now ready. The purpose of the ark was to save alive representatives of all classes of creatures including man. The reason why Noah has been singled out from all the men that lived on the earth is stated again: "For thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation." All others, being unrighteous, will be destroyed by the coming flood.

The Clean and the Unclean🔗

Now an entirely new element is revealed. It had been stated before that two of every kind of animal were to come into the ark. Now a distinction is made between the clean and the unclean. We hear of that, of course, in the laws which Moses gave to Israel many years later. Israel was only to sacrifice the clean animals and most of them would also be for their food.

How is it possible that mention of clean and un­clean is already made before the flood? Or is this evidence that this "story" is of much later date than the time of Noah? We must remember that the laws which Moses gave to Israel later were not all new! The moral law, e.g., was there from the beginning! We know that sacrifices had been brought since the days of Cain and Abel. To them it must have been clear that all animals were not equally suited for sacrifice. So the idea of the clean and unclean was soon adopted.

Noah is now commanded to take seven of the clean and two of the others into the ark. This is not a contradiction of what he had been told before — the general rule is made more specific. He is to use the same numbers in regard to the birds. There will be animals and birds for sacrifice now that there are seven of each which would not have been possible if there had been only two of each kind qualified for sacrifice.

Noah's Obedient Faith🔗

In seven days God is go­ing to bring the flood upon the earth. It is going to rain uninterruptedly for forty days and forty nights! Such a thing had not happened before nor has it hap­pened since. It is virtually impossible to imagine what this would be like. All nature united against living creatures to destroy them! When God comes with His judgments who shall be able to stand?

Noah also may not have been able to understand the things which were about to happen but he is the man of obedient faith. He does whatever his God commands. He belongs to the heroes of faith by building the ark and he shows perseverance in faith by not being misled by the people of his day. The men of his day went on in their common pursuits of life as though no judgment threatened (Matthew 24:37-39), but Noah built an ark on dry land and entered it while the sun was shining!

Literal History🔗

Noah was 600 years old when the flood came. The author is, however, even more exact and says that the rains started on the 17th day of the second month of the 600th year of Noah's life. If this is not history the author is intentionally leading us astray! This is not: "Once upon a time..." — it is most specific!

Noah and his family go into the ark which he has prepared at the command of God. During the seven days mentioned, all the animals came to Noah and to the ark. Critics, of course, deny that anything like this could ever happen. How could Noah and his sons ever 'round up' all the animals which existed on the earth? No doubt, this is a miracle and a miracle can­not be "explained". There are, however, times when animals instinctively seek shelter or human protec­tion as when a hurricane threatens and the baromet­ric pressure falls very low. God sees to it that His command is carried out and that all creatures — by twos and by sevens — come into the ark.

Picturesque Language🔗

This flood and the rains which caused it is different from all other floods that have ever been. This is revealed in very picturesque language. "On the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened".

Does this mean that earthquakes accompanied the rain and opened the underground waters? Does it mean that tidal waves swept over the earth? Many are the diverse interpretations which have been given of these words. It is clear, of course, that something very uncommon is taking place. The "windows of heaven" were opened. This is figura­tive language to describe torrential rains — cloud­bursts. Is it not most probable that "the fountains of the great deep" is also figurative language? The im­pression is left that the earth did not "soak up" the rain which fell on it but rather increased the amount of water.

This went on for the space of forty days and for­ty nights! What a fearful experience for those who were not in the ark but in their own houses! The very first day of such a deluge would cause enormous damage — but when it goes on and on and on...!

God Shuts the Door🔗

Once more we are told that Noah and his family, the three sons again being mentioned by name, and all the creatures have gone into the ark. All things have been done in the way which God had commanded Noah. Then we read: "And Jehovah shut him in". God has closed the door. He has thereby insured the safety of all those in the ark and has also prevented anyone else from coming into the ark.

God's patience has been tested 120 years. The men of his generation have not listened to Noah "the preacher of righteousness" (2 Peter 2:5). The love of God does not cancel His righteousness and justice. The men of that day have been warned but paid no heed. God is not mocked. He shuts the door! Modern man finds the scope of this judgment unpalatable. Those who consider the first eleven chapters of Genesis a myth have but half a gospel — which is no gospel.

Forty Days and Forty Nights🔗

Again, though the author repeats what he has said before for precision and its cumulative effect, he becomes very specific and writes almost as though he had been an eyewit­ness. It rained for the space of forty days and forty nights and during that time the volume of water be­comes so great that, despite the tremendous weight of the ark, it begins to float. The waters bear up the ark and it is lifted above the earth. The water con­tinues to pour down and the ark "went upon the face of the waters". The water continues to come and there seems to be no end to it. This is happening dur­ing these forty days.

Moses describes the levels to which the waters reach very vividly. Everything which exists upon the earth is covered by one gigantic sea. The men who have ridiculed Noah cannot even find safety on the tops of the mountains because the waters rise relentlessly until even the highest mountains are completely covered. The waters rise fifteen cubits above the highest mountains making it impossible for any living thing to exist even there and allowing the ark to float even over the highest peaks in safety.

Creation in Ruins ... But🔗

The author now de­votes considerable space to the totality of the de­struction caused by the flood. "All flesh died". "All in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life, of all that was on the dry land, died". "And every liv­ing thing was destroyed". Mention is also made of all the kinds of creatures which the Lord swept away with the flood. The beautiful creation of God lies in ruins! Has the purpose of God with His creation also been destroyed?

"Noah only was left, and they that were with him in the ark". That's all! Hundreds and hundreds of years have passed since the time of creation. Men lived to a very old age. The population of the world must have been substantial by the time the flood came on the earth. Now eight people are left! How early in the history of the world, it is only a "rem­nant" that is spared.

Certainly, the flood has been the greatest catas­trophe which this world has ever experienced. Out of Noah must the entire world be populated again. Only those who have been obedient to the commands of God are still alive. The ark, which was the object of the ridicule of all the ungodly, is the only place of safety. God's word stands. Although He has visited the earth with His judgment, His promise re­mains sure and steadfast.

How often has the promise of God, as it were, hung by a thread? Here Noah and his family are saved and that by a miracle. Later such things will be repeated again and again. But, the promise He has given shall never fail!

Significant for Geology🔗

For a hundred and fif­ty days, five months, the waters stayed at that height over the earth. Some have taught that the flood was only upon the inhabited world of that time. However, the depth of the water being sufficient to cover the highest mountains by fifteen cubits and staying at that depth for such an extended period of time, it is difficult to see how it could be restricted to any part of the earth's surface.

What this flood has done in the area of geology is staggering. Those who believe that God created the world out of nothing must not lose sight of the great changes which have been brought about by the flood in the days of Noah.

God has spoken in the flood. He speaks in His Word but also by means of His deeds. The God of in­finite love is also the God of judgment. This is the God with whom we have to do.

Questions for Discussion:

  1. Noah is told about clean and unclean animals. Moses teaches Israel much more concerning them later. Is there progress in revelation? If so, how must we understand that progress?
  2. Can you harmonize the view of the God who sends the great flood with the view of God given in the New Testament? Do those who are always talking about the love of God know what that love really is?
  3. Were the sons of Noah spared because of their father? Explain.
  4. Is the denial of the historicity of the flood essentially a denial of the miraculous? Which miracles are found here?
  5. Do you think the flood was over the whole earth? Why, or why not?

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