This is a Children’s Devotion on Genesis 18:14.

2022. 1 pages.

Genesis 18:14

Read: Genesis 18:1-15

Three men appeared at Abraham’s tent in the heat of the day. Even though Abraham did not realize it immediately, it was the Lord and two angels. The Lord had come with a message for Abraham. When Abraham saw these men, he asked them to stay for a little while and went and prepared some food for them. Sarah prepared some cakes and bread and Abraham killed and cooked a calf. When the food was prepared, they brought it to the guests so that they could eat.

Once they had eaten, they asked Abraham where his wife Sarah was. Once they knew that Sarah was in the tent close by and so would also be able to hear this message, they told Abraham that Sarah would have a baby son within a year.

Sarah heard the words of the Lord, but she did not believe them at first. She thought she was too old to have children. How was this possible? The Lord knew what Sarah was thinking. He knew that she laughed within herself, and so he asked Abraham why she laughed. And then the Lord said these amazing words to Abraham. “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” With God anything is possible. God can do all things.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, asked a very similar question when she was told by an angel that she was going to have a baby before she was married. She asked, “How can this being since I am not married.” And the angel’s answer to her was, “For with God nothing will be impossible.” We see the same words here. Nothing is impossible for God. He is able to do all things.

God was able to give Sarah a son when she was far too old to have a baby. He was able to give Mary a son when she was not married. But God did send that son to Mary. And that son was our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. And through that son, we now have salvation. And that is the great message of the Bible.

Reflection with your child:

What is the wonderful thing that God says in this passage?

Source: Sermon by Rev. S. ’t Hart

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