This is a Children’s Devotion on Exodus 2:23-25.

2019. 1 pages.

Exodus 2:23-25

The new king of Egypt was a horrible ruler. He continued to keep the children of Israel as slaves, treating them very cruelly. Things became so difficult for the Israelites that they cried out to God, begging him to help. And God heard their groaning and remembered his covenant.

What does it mean that God remembered his covenant? It doesn’t mean that God forgot about his covenant and then suddenly remembered it. You know that God could never forget his covenant. What it means is that God hears the prayer of the Israelites, and he is going to act. He is going to do something for the people of Israel because of his covenant. His covenant is his special relationship of love with his people. And because of his special love for the children of Israel, he is going to do something for them.

What is God going to do for them? He is going to allow them to escape from this slavery — from this cruel king. The amazing thing is that God was already planning for the escape for the Israelites even before they cried out to him. Eighty years earlier, God had caused little baby Moses to be born. God had given baby Moses special protection from the Nile River by making sure his mum, in faith, made a basket for him so that he didn’t drown. And God had made sure that Pharaoh’s daughter had come and rescued Moses and brought him up in the palace as her son. God did all this eighty years earlier because he knew that he was going to use Moses to rescue the Israelites from slavery at this time. God was answering the prayers of the people, even before they had prayed them. Isn’t that amazing!

What is even more amazing is that God already started working for your escape from sin — for your salvation — at the beginning of time. Throughout the whole Old Testament, God was working for the coming of Jesus so that he could die on the cross for you. You have salvation because God remembers his covenant of love with you.

Reflection with your child:

When you pray, do you remember to thank the Lord for your salvation?

Source:  Sermon by Rev. A. Souman

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