This article shows that the theory of evolution undermines the authority of scripture, the doctrine of redemption, and the truth of the coming of the new heaven and earth.

Source: Witness, 2011. 2 pages.

Evolution’s Effect on Vital Biblical Doctrines

I have alluded to these effects throughout these articles and there is therefore the need only for brief summary, as follows.

1. Denial of the Inspiration and Authority of Scripture🔗

If we cannot trust the creation account in the early chapters of Genesis, doubt is cast upon the inspiration and veracity of the rest of Scripture as well. Moreover, we have seen that all the books of the New Testament, except for Philemon and II & III John, contain allusions to Genesis, and that more than half of the 200 NT allusions to Genesis are found in the first eleven chapters of Genesis.

2. Denial of the Person and Authority of the Lord Jesus Christ🔗

He was involved in the work of creation (Jn. 1:1-4 & 10; Col. 1:15- 16 & Heb 1:2), He affirmed the divine creation of Adam and Eve (Mk. 10:6-7), their being ‘one flesh’ (Mk. 10:8), and He referred to ‘the creation which God created’ (Mk. 13:19). It was the Son of God Himself who taught His followers to accept the historical accuracy of the Old Testament in general and the Book of Genesis in particular (Mt. 19:4; 23:35; 24:37-39; Lk. 17:19, 32).

3. Denial of the Need for the Doctrine of Redemption🔗

Sin, suffering and death, according to evolution’s teaching, are natural phenomena and not the result of divine judgment upon mankind through its federal head, Adam. Mankind is therefore in no need of divine redemption, in contradiction of the Bible’s plain teaching that sin was introduced by Adam’s disobedience and can only be remedied by the work of the ‘second’ (or last) Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:19f).

As Morris & Whitcomb say in The Genesis Flood,

Uniformitarian palaeontology dates the formation of the major fossiliferous strata many scores and hundreds of millions of years before the appearance of human beings on the earth. It assumes that uncounted billions of animals had experienced natural or violent death before the Fall of Adam: that many important kinds of animals had long since become extinct by the time God created Adam to have dominion over every living creature: and that long ages before the Edenic curse giant flesh-eating monsters like Tyrannosaurus Rex roamed the earth, slashing their victims with ferocious dagger-like teeth and claws ... But how can such a description of the history of the animal kingdom be reconciled with the early chapters of Genesis? Does Genesis, honestly studied in the light of the New Testament, allow for a reign of tooth and claw and death and destruction before the fall of Adam? If not, we have further compelling reasons for questioning the uniformitarian scheme of reading (the fossil record in) the rocks and ... strong encouragement for finding in the great Genesis Flood the true explanation for fossil formations in the crust of our planet.

Moreover, such clear-cut passages as Romans 5:12-21 and 1 Corinthians 15:21-22 indicate that Adam’s sin and fall introduced spiritual and physical death into the human race. In the Romans passage we learn that ‘by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin: and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned ... by one man’s offence death reigned by one ... by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation ... by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners’. Likewise, we are told also in the Corinthian passage that ‘by man came death’ and ‘in Adam all die’.

The Bible further teaches that all human beings have descended from one human pair. ‘Eve ... was the mother of all living’ (Gen. 3:20); confirmed by Acts 17:26: (‘He hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth’) and that these first human beings were created directly by God wholly apart from any evolutionary development of man’s body from animal forms. The Lord Jesus Christ stated that ‘he who made them from the beginning made them male and female’ (Mt. 19:4). Genesis 2:21-23 clearly indicates that Eve came out of Adam and not from the animal kingdom by some evolutionary process. This is confirmed by the apostle Paul: ‘the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man’ (1 Cor. 11:8). So, if Eve received her body in this purely supernatural way out of Adam’s side, why should anyone postulate an evolutionary development for Adam’s body? The Bible teaches that Adam’s body was formed from ‘the dust of the ground’ (Gen. 2:7), not of evolved animal forms.

Therefore, in the light of this biblical revelation regarding the origin of Adam and Eve, Christians must insist on the essential unity and the supernatural, non-evolutionary creation of the human race. Otherwise there could be no such thing as human sin or eternal salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ (Rom. 6:23; Heb. 2:9, 14; 1 Jn. 1:5-2:2).

4. Denial of the Future State of Perfection and Glory in Heaven🔗

If there has been no Fall of man and no need of his redemption, there is no place for a future state of man’s full restoration. Whereas, the Genesis account is not only important as a history of man’s origin, but also as a prophecy of man’s future. The Book of Revelation makes this clear, where Paradise lost, in Genesis, becomes Paradise regained, in Revelation.

For example, note the following comparisons between the original world and the final world. In the probationary world there was division of light and darkness (Gen.1:4) and in the eternal world ‘no night there’ (Rev. 21:25); in Genesis the division of land and sea (1:10), and in Revelation ‘no more sea’ (21:1); the rule of sun and moon (Gen. 1:16), and no need of sun and moon (Rev. 21:23); man in a prepared garden (Gen. 2:8­-9), man in a prepared city (Rev. 21:2); river flowing out of Eden (Gen. 2:10) and river flowing from God’s throne (Rev. 22:1);gold in the land (Gen. 2:12), and gold in the city (Rev. 21:21);tree of life in midst of the garden (Gen. 2:9), and tree of life throughout the city (Rev. 22:2), and God walking in the garden (Gen. 3:8), and God dwelling with His people (Rev. 21:3).

Even more striking is the contrast between the world under God’s curse and the eternal world renewed, eg Cursed ground/no more curse; daily sorrow/no more sorrow; thorns and thistles/no more pain; sweat of the face/tears wiped away; eating herbs of the field/twelve manner of fruits; returning to dust/no more death; evil continually/nothing that defileth; coats of skins/fine linen, white and clean; Satan opposing/Satan banished; kept from tree of life/access to tree of life; banished from the garden/free entry to the City; Redeemer promised/redemption accomplished.

For these and many other reasons it becomes evident that a correct understanding of the early chapters of Genesis is vital to an understanding of the eternal purposes of God.

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