This is a Children’s Devotion on Ephesians 4:14-15.

2019. 1 pages.

Ephesians 4:14-15

Read: Ephesians 4:7-16

Do you think that you know a lot about the Bible? Maybe you think you are getting close to knowing most of what the Lord teaches you about himself?

Well, the Lord tells you that you need to grow in your knowledge of him. The apostle Paul tells the Ephesians that they are not to be like children any longer. Does this mean that God is not interested in children? No, not at all! There is nothing wrong with being a child. And you will remember that Jesus took the children into his arms and blessed them. He said that the kingdom of heaven belongs to children. Yes, children are precious to the Lord and certainly part of his covenant people. In other places in the Bible we are even told to be like babies. Just like a baby craves its mother’s milk, so we must crave God’s Word.

So what does Paul mean then when he says that we are no longer to be like children? Children sometimes believe whatever they are told. They can be told one thing, and they will believe that, and then told something else, which they will also believe. Children can easily be tricked.

And so, Paul means that when it comes to the truth of the Bible and to our faith in Jesus Christ, we must stand fast. We have to know the Bible, study it, and believe it — all of it! We must not be fooled into believing heresies and other false things. But we must believe the truth — the Bible — always.

And in this way, we can’t remain like children in our faith. We need to grow in our knowledge of the Bible, in our love for Christ. You can do this because you are connected to Christ your head. He is leading you. He is guiding you. So listen to him. Read his Word. Study the Bible. Pray, and pray some more. Ask God to help you to believe his Word always.

Reflection with your child:

Why is it important to grow in your knowledge of the Bible?

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