This is a Children’s Devotion on Acts 1:11.

2019. 1 pages.

Acts 1:11


Has it ever happened that your mum told you to go and clean your room or set the table, but instead of going immediately, you just stood there looking at your mum? After a little while, your mum had to tell you to hurry up and go and do what she told you to do.

Well, the same type of thing happened to the disciples after Jesus ascended into heaven. The Lord Jesus had told them that they needed to go and tell the people throughout the whole world about his death and resurrection. They had to spread the gospel. After Jesus had told them these things, he ascended into heaven before their eyes. They watched as a cloud hid him from their sight.

But then two angels came to them and told them not to stare into heaven, but to go and do the task that Jesus had told them to do. There was much work for them to do. Jesus wanted his kingdom on earth to continue to grow. The disciples needed to go and tell people about Jesus. They had to stop staring and get to work.

You, too, need to be busy working for the Lord Jesus. You, too, need to tell your neighbours and others about the Lord. But you also need to be busy yourself, growing in your love for the Lord. You need to take time to learn about the Lord and speak to him in prayer. You also need to be busy learning at school, helping at home and playing with your brothers and sisters. As you do all these things, you need to be doing them for the Lord.

The angels also told the disciples that Jesus is coming back. So, as you do things throughout the day, do them for the Lord, looking to Christ, remembering that he will return on the clouds of heaven one day.

Reflection with your child:

Do you ever think about the fact that the Lord Jesus could come back at any time?

Source: Sermon by Rev. J. Moesker

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