Confusing Truth and Fiction
While The Da Vinci Code is a work of fiction, many people believe it to be truth because Dan Brown makes some claims of truth in the book. As a result, some people now claim that the Bible has twisted the history of Jesus. In the end, the actual truth is confused with fiction, and many other deceptions about the truth. A few of them are outlined in this article.
The Lost Art of Discernment
This article addresses the important gift of discernment, particularly with reference to how believers are expected to handle such deceptive publications as The Da Vinci Code. Knowledge of the Word of God is a primary necessity for exercising this gift, but also a heart that is enabled by the Holy Spirit to be able to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong.
The Pagan Agenda of the Code
The author of this article looks at the spiritual background to The Da Vinci Code, noting that Dan Brown was advocating for believers to embrace "pre-Christian" symbols. The religious view he advocates is paganistic pantheism, which generally includes a number of cultic groups and religions including Freemasons, Gnostics, magicians, satanists, and Hinduism.
Historical Propaganda
"Let the buyer beware." This is the warning that is contained in this article for those who would read The Da Vinci Code. Some of the problems pointed out are the twisting of truths with regard to Jesus' alleged marriage to Mary Magdalene, the fallacy of the woman perceived to be Mary Magdalene in Leonardo Da Vinvi's portrait The Last Supper, and the gnostic texts discovered at Nag Hammadi.
The Fool’s Folly Uncovered
The author of this article pinpoints a small sample of erratic statements in Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. Some of the errors have to do with the alleged changing of the biblical text by Constantine, the exclusion from the New Testament of a vast number of about eighty gospels, and the alleged omission from the Bible of Jesus' human traits.