I think that one of the reasons many have difficulty feeling real joy is that we have too little awareness that the joy within the church has its own style. It is a different way of being joyful.
We often hear people talk negatively about the task of an office-bearer in the church. This article looks at the biblical view of this task and concludes that it is a beautiful one.
Is there such thing as righteous anger? This article shows that the Bible does indeed speak of righteous anger. However, for one to express righteous anger, he must examine his motives, show patience, and be prepared to forgive.
How can you know the will of God? This article shows first the ways one may not use the Bible to find God’s will. Then it shows how God’s guidance can be discerned through the Word and the Holy Spirit.
"Filioque" is the word that divided the Western churches from the Eastern churches. It explains that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and Son. This article looks at this confession in relation to the Trinity.
What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? This article looks at the meaning of discipleship by looking at how Abram, Israel, and Jesus followed God.
What is the greatest threat facing Christians today? This article argues that consumerism is a threat to discipleship. It destroys the Christian virtue of sacrifice that is at the heart of doing good and living in communion. These two points are essential to regaining the meaning of following Jesus.
Christians are engaged in a spiritual warfare. This article shows that the greatest danger facing Christians in spiritual battle is a feeling of self-sufficiency. To avoid this danger there is a need to realize we are defenseless in ourselves. This brings the need for training. This article discusses the tools available for training.