This article based on Hebrews 13:15 shows that gratitude to God is expressed through a life of continuous praise to God.

Source: APC News, 2012. 2 pages.

Hebrews 13:15 – May Gratitude Be Our Attitude and Praise Our Pleasure

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that confess his name

Listen to someone extolling their favourite object, situation or friend and it is evident that they love to do it. How much more should our extolling of almighty God give us immense pleasure. Sadly, we have to confess that this is not always the case.

This epistle was written to Hebrews who were being tempted by unbelieving Jews to turn away from Christ. The argument was that the old way was superior, therefore they should come back but the very opposite is true. Christ is God’s ultimate revelation of Himself and He is infinitely superior to the prophets, the angels and everything else. “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven” (Heb 1:3). He is equal to the Father, He provided salvation and as in Psalm 115, He is in the one place where mockers and unbelievers least expect Him, enthroned in heaven.

Believing Jews would be made to feel that their worship was inferior because it had no sacrificial lamb, no High Priest, no altar etc. Did they really imagine that this “new” way of worshiping was acceptable to God. The reality is, Christ the lamb of God is infinitely superior in His person and work. For He “was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people” (Heb 9:28). All the sacrifices of the Old Testament never took away one sin, they were only pointing to what Christ was going to do. Psalm 50 makes it clear that what God wanted was worship from the heart and godly living.

“Through Jesus” teaches us that our worship and service are only acceptable because of our Great High Priest, Jesus. We should present praise and thanks with this understanding.

Why “continually”? A Jew might come with a yearly sacrifice. If we are in harmony with God’s word we will come time and again throughout each day. Our prevailing attitude should be praise and gratitude. Whatever way you look at it, God deserves infinitely more praise than we will ever offer because of His majestic splendor and His wonderful works of creation, providence and salvation.

“Offer to God”. Some people would not accept our praise – they are so “superior” and proud. God, who is perfect in every way, is pleased to accept praise from us. We, although so unworthy in ourselves, need not hesitate to offer praise in the name of Christ, to our Most Holy God. How amazing!

“A sacrifice of praise the fruit of lips that confess His Name”. God wants, “true worshipers (who) will worship the Father in spirit and truth,” (John 4:23). Praise and gratitude should be our offering, whatever our situation. The Jew might think about bringing the fruit of the earth as an offering. What God wants are words that come from a heart that says, “Jesus is Lord.”

Verse 16, “Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased,” there is a very practical side to Christianity. We need to remember to do good, not in order to be saved, but out of gratitude for being saved. We should marvel and rejoice every time we remember that God is pleased with redeemed man, with his offering of praise, with his gratitude, with our good deeds all because of Jesus.

When we watch nature or scientific programmes, or listen to music or spend time in the hills or on the sea or wherever, God’s handiwork is so evident, we should be thanking and praising God for such a wonderful world. He made all things and He is greater than all things. God’s care and provision, past and present, in our own and other people’s lives, should also fill us with thanks and praise.

We should praise and thank God from the very depths of our being for Himself, His wisdom, goodness, righteousness, holiness, truthfulness, faithfulness, power, majesty, and His infinite love in giving His beloved Son. We should be overflowing with praise and thanks for Jesus, coming into this world, silencing His critics, performing each miracle, each teaching, laying down His life, His resurrection, His ascension, His intercession and much more.

We should abound with praise to the Holy Spirit for His power, His influence, His indwelling and comforting us. For Calvary, for grace, for forgiveness, escape from hell, election, heaven, angels, being more than conquerors, eternal life. The list friend is inexhaustible and our only reasonable service is, to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. (cf Rom 12:1).

May we then praise God with all our heart as long as we breathe. May He look into our hearts and see endless praise and thankfulness. May praise be our constant pleasure and gratitude an ever deepening attitude. We will never find anything in Our heavenly Father, or Our divine Saviour or in the divine Comforter that does not deserve praise, thanks and our best service.

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