This article provides a series of content and application questions on Ephesians 4:1-16.

2 pages.

Ephesians 4:1-16 – Unity and Maturity in the Church

  1. What does a life “worthy of the calling you have received” look like? 
    Does such a life style generally characterize those people whom you have esteemed as godly?
  2. Why does Paul mention that he is “a prisoner for the Lord” when he urges the Ephesians to “live a life worthy of the calling” they have received?
  3. What is the “unity of the Spirit” that Paul speaks of in verse 3? 
  4. In verse 4, Paul refers to the Church when he says there is “one body.”  Does that still apply today in which there are so many different churches?  Why or why not?
  5. Paul says that there is “one faith.” (v.5)  What does he mean by that?
  6. What does Paul mean by “all” when he speaks of God as “Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all”? (v.6)
  7. In verse 7 Paul says that “to each of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.”  Does that mean that we all have received different portions of his grace?  But don’t we all need the full portion of his grace for the forgiveness of our sins?
  8. In verse 8 Paul quotes from Psalm 68, a psalm that the Jews often sang on Pentecost (Feast of Weeks).    
  • What event in history does Psalm 68 celebrate? 
  • What connection does Paul see between Psalm 68 and the work of Christ?
  • In Psalm 68:18 we read that God “received gifts from men,” but Paul changes that somewhat to say that God “gave gifts to men.”  Why does Paul make that change?  What is he referring to?
  1. In verse 10 Paul says that Christ ascended in order to “fill the whole universe.”  With what?
  2. Paul appears to specify which gifts Christ has given to his people at his ascension. (v.11)
  • What are apostles, and how are they gifts for Christ’s people?
  • What are prophets, and how are they gifts for Christ’s people?
  • Do we still have apostles and prophets in our midst today? 
  • What are evangelists, and how are they gifts for Christ’s people?
  • What are pastors and teachers, and how are they gifts for Christ’s people?
  • What unites all the offices mentioned?
  • Could Paul have also added elders, deacons, or bishops to this list?  Why or why not?
  1.  According to verse 12, what should be the goal of every office bearer in his work?
  2. In verse 14 Paul speaks of false teachings as rooted in the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. 
  • Is every doctrinal error rooted in deceit? (cf. James 1:2-8)
  • What are some of the “winds of teaching” in the churches today?
  1. Verse 15 suggests that “speaking the truth in love” is an indication of Christian maturity, and something vital to further growth.  Are we good at that?  How could we improve?

For Further Discussion:🔗

14. What do you think of the common practice of calling ministers of the Word “pastors”?  Is this a good name for a minister?  Why or why not? (cf. question on v.11)

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