In this essay Gaffin concentrates on the inherent vigour of Reformed systematic theology and how best to preserve and nurture its strengths. He first addresses the matter of Reformed systematic theology’s use of its own exegetical tradition given in the discipline of biblical theology as developed by Geerhardus Vos. His emphasis is on the task of all exegesis of Scripture to be redemptive-historical. The larger part of the essay is concerned with Gaffin’s interaction with the “paradigm” elements of the proposal of Gordon Spykman concerning this redemptive historical focus in systematic theology. Throughout, Gaffin considers the nature and function of the confessions of faith of the church in relation to the vitality of theology.

Source: Anthony T. Selvaggio, ed., The Faith Once Delivered: Essays in Honour of Dr. Wayne R. Spear (P & R Publishing, 2007), 1-32.

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