This article offers an exposition of Hebrews 2:9.

1980. 2 pages.

We See Jesus Our Exalted Lord

But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.

Hebrews 2:9

Lord, our Lord, Thy glorious Name
All Thy wondrous works proclaim;
In the heavens with radiant signs
Evermore Thy glory shines.
How great Thy name!

That's a song we sing from our Psalter Hymnal, as a versification of Psalm 8. A beautiful number it is. In it we sing of the greatness of our God.

Moon and stars in shining height
Nightly tell their Maker's might;
When Thy wondrous heavens I scan
Then I know how weak is man

That's the contrast, God so infinitely great and man so weak and small.

But that greatness comes out still more, much more in the work of His covenant love, and of the destiny of man in God's great work and plan for sal­vation. That's what the writer to the Hebrews also speaks of and marvels at. Listen to what he says about God: "What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the angels."

This expression, "a little lower than the angels" has been difficult to explain, especially in the context of Psalm 8 which is quoted here. The best interpreta­tion, it seems to me, is that it refers not to rank, but to time. When man sinned God brought him down, lower than the angels. He became subject to death. What a dreadful condition and what misery he brought upon himself by his sin of disobedience! No words can describe the history that followed, one of suffering, sorrow and death. And man returns to dust.

But how great is that name of our God. What a marvel that this great God would be mindful of this little, insignificant man. God destines him to be crowned with glory and honor, and to be even higher than the angels. God will even subject the world to come to this small creature called man.

And this all does take place and will take place through the wonders of grace in the Lord Jesus Christ! It begins its fulfillment in His resurrection and ascension. That's what the writer to the Hebrews speaks of. After all, his purpose in the en­tire book is to show the greatness and excellencies of Jesus Christ. Christ is the fulfillment of all types and shadows in the old dispensation. What a Savior He is!

But now we do not yet see all things subject to man (vs. 8b). Instead man is subject to death with all it implies. He experiences that every day. There are so many adverse forces and powers in our lives which control us, victimize us, and over against which we are just helpless. Think of the elements of nature such as storms, earthquakes, floods and droughts. There is constant fear and anxiety. War with all its ravages has been the life history of mil­lions of people. And even today, more than ever, there are millions for whom the most important dai­ly question is, "How can we get enough in our stomachs?" Add to that the world even today is filled with sicknesses and diseases with resulting pain and finally death. If you want to see what man is, visit a hospital or a nursing home.

Is this the creature to whom God has subjected the world to come? Is this the man who is destined to be crowned with glory and honor? Is this the man who is to become so great that he will rule over the world and creation? It surely doesn't look like it! But he is so destined in our Lord Jesus Christ, who is God but also man.

Man as a sinner is not worthy of this consideration and great blessing. Why should this great and glori­ous God of Psalm 8 even consider him? But God is great exactly because He is also so great in mercy and love, in our Lord Jesus Christ. He came down to our small planet, the earth, to be prophet, priest and king. And because He suffered death for us, He arose, ascended into heaven and is now THE MAN crowned with glory and honor.

No, we don't yet see all things subject to man, but we do see Jesus, crowned with glory and honor.

And this Jesus we must see, look at constantly while we are still down here in this old world of sin and death.

We see Him by faith. We know He is there. We know that He rules the world with His power and His church with His wonderful grace.

Look at that Jesus when in the hospital. Be sure to see Him when at the cemetery. In all of life's cir­cumstances where a 101 experiences tell us about the problems and difficulties of man in this world, lift up your heads and by faith see that Jesus, sitting at God's right hand in indescribable majesty, glory, power and love.

And the best by far, is still to come. We are going to be like Him for we shall see Him as He is. What He has begun He will finish. God will give to His peo­ple, as saved human beings, the role of kings in the new heaven and earth. And that is something which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor has ever aris­en in the heart of any man.

Lord, how excellent is Thy Name in all the earth.
What a love and what a salvation!

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