This is a poem on the resurrection.

Source: The Outlook, 2006. 1 pages.

Resurrection Song

When in this cold gray damp of death I sleep,
When o’er my face the moldering mask doth creep,
When down the dark grave lowered deep,
O Lord, remember me!

The snows of somber cold will fall,
The heavy hand of death will crawl
All o’er us in that black dread pall,
O Lord, remember me!

Then in that grave so still and stark
Will come the voice of Him! O hark!
And we will from that tomb embark,
Thou Lord, rememberedst me!

And not alone but thousands more
Will at His footsteps kneel, adore,
And from our hearts the song will soar:
Thou Lord, rememberedst me!

In never ending praises sing
To our Redeemer, Savior, King.
From all the saints their shouts will ring:
Thou Lord, rememberedst me!

To all who serve the Lord below
And that blest Savior fear and know:
Through sovereign grace no debt we owe,
O Lord, remember me!

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