This article shows how the resurrection of Jesus is relevant for parenting and teaching. It explains the impact of the resurrection on praying, worship, attitude, and conduct at home and school.

Source: The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, 2006. 2 pages.

The Resurrection-Believing Parent and Teacher

In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.

Matthew 28:1

These two women came to see the sepulchre. They had purchased spices to anoint the body of Jesus. What were they expecting when they arrived there? A dead Jesus, a lifeless body.

And now the angel instructs them to broaden their vision, to alter their thinking, to change their expec­tation. “He is not here: for He is risen, as He said” (Matt. 28:8). In short, the women came looking for a dead Jesus and they are told to look for a living Sav­ior. To expect One who has all power given unto Him in heaven and earth — even over death, grave, and hell.

There is a great difference between a resurrection-believing parent or teacher and one who is doubting. Let’s focus on this difference in four practical ways: the difference in our prayers, in our worship, in our out­look, and in our conduct.

When you pray as a parent, do you pray resurrec­tion-believing prayers? As a teacher, when you pray for your students, possibly for the most disobedient, rebel­lious, and challenging student you teach, do you pray in a believing or doubting manner? Is it not true that we often come to the Lord as the women did — focus­ing on what we will do? We expect to bring our spices and perform our actions, but there is little or no expec­tation on what Jesus will do. We presume Jesus is powerless. In reality, when we think and pray this way, we see the Lord Jesus as still lifeless in the grave. What a contrast to a resurrection-believing prayer! Such a parent’s vision is redirected. It focuses on the Risen Savior, on the One who has all power in heaven and earth. With what hope I can then pray and with what expectation I can go forward! My family prob­lems are so small in comparison to the might and power of this risen Savior. As a teacher, I can go for­ward looking for God to work and to change the heart of my most challenging student. Why? Because the risen Savior is Almighty and has all power. Even prob­lems that seem as immoveable as mountains can, by faith in His name, be cast into the sea to be seen no more. How do you view Jesus when you pray? Unbelief sees Jesus still in the grave, but faith sees Him as the Almighty who is risen indeed!

When you worship as a parent or teacher, what expectations do you bring? We can approach God on “the first day of the week bringing our spices” but expecting to find a lifeless Jesus. Sunday worship becomes a lifeless ritual, a powerless habit. How dif­ferent for the resurrection-believing parent and teacher to hear of God’s unbreakable covenant and to see and worship its confirmation in the risen Savior! What rekindled joy, what renewed hope, the message of the Almighty Savior who has risen produces in the heart of such a parent or teacher! With refreshed zeal and desire, they pick up hands that hang down, gird up their loins, and step back behind the plow with new purpose, hope, and dedication! There is hope in a risen Savior for their child or student!

Is your outlook that of a resurrection-believing par­ent or teacher? The doubting attitude was expressed by the disciples on the way to Emmaus: “But we had trusted that it had been he” — sadness, confusion, and despondency. When we think Jesus is powerless, we will speak and act that way. Our children and students will recognize this discouragement and hopelessness in us. But in the light of a risen Savior who has all power in heaven and earth, how different when we view the same circumstances, even depressing and complex problems! Pessimism is changed to optimism — not by denying the seriousness of the problems or by inflat­ing the perception of my abilities, but by focusing on the Almighty, who is risen indeed. What are the walls of Jericho to withstand the shout of faith? Your faith, confidence, and hope in the Savior will be witnessed by your children or students.

Finally, is your conduct that of an Easter-believing parent or teacher? When the disciples’ eyes of faith were opened in Emmaus and they recognized their risen Savior, what did they do? Immediately they returned to Jerusalem; even the darkness did not stop them. They proclaimed, “The Lord is risen indeed!” Your children will be able to tell to what degree your life reflects that of a resurrection-believing or resur­rection-doubting parent. Your students will recognize this in you as a teacher. What a blessing if we link faith and action more and more, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and reflect the risen Savior’s pronounce­ment, command, and promise,

All power is given unto me in heaven and earth. Go ye, therefore, and teach ... and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.Matt. 28:18-20

Are you a resurrection-believing parent or teacher?

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