This is a Children’s Devotion on Psalm 27:4.

2022. 1 pages.

Psalm 27:4

Read: Psalm 27:1-6

Do you ever stop and see the beauty around you? Do you admire the mother duck with her ducklings following close behind? Do feel the softness of the petals on a flower? There is so much beauty in the world around us.

But even more beautiful than all these things, is the One who made them. The Lord God created all these things, but He himself is even more beautiful. David in Psalm 27 talks about beholding or looking at the beauty of the Lord. What does David mean? David had never actually seen God, just like we cannot see God. And yet he speaks about seeing the beauty of the Lord.

Just before these words, David speaks about having one desire. There is one thing that he really wants more than anything else. This one thing is very important to him. The one thing that David wants is to dwell in the house of the Lord every single day.

In the temple was the altar, and on that altar, sacrifices were made to the Lord. David knew when he saw the altar and sacrifices in the temple that God loved him, even though he was sinful. And he knew that God loved him because one day Jesus would come and die for his sin. And that is the beauty of the Lord that David loves to see.

He loves to see God’s loving kindness to sinful people, his care over his own, his Fatherly love, and grace and forgiveness. That is the beauty of the Lord. That is the one thing that David wants to focus on every single day.

Is that also the one thing you want to focus on every day? Is that the most important thing for you? Is God and his love and grace to you more important to you than your toys or your computer games or movies? Is God more important than your books or your holidays? Do you make time every single day to read God’s Word and pray to him?

Reflection with your child:

Take the time every day to think about the love and beauty of the Lord!

Source: Sermon by Rev. S. ’t Hart

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