In order to reach our fellow man today we may initially need to allow our deeds to open the way for the Word. Thus, we need more deeds with the Word.

Source: De Reformatie, 2002. 3 pages. Translated by Gwen van den Berg.

More Deeds with the Word The relationship of Word and Deed in evangelism and mission

"To convince another person of the blessings of his faith by using words is difficult for a Christian. A “pure” life is often more convincing." (Prof. dr. H.W. de Knijf at the Easter congress of reformed students)

In practice a helping hand sometimes has to be the first step. One does not help a homeless person by giving him a sermon. Perhaps in today’s culture our deeds need to precede our talk in order to create an opening for the Word (Dr. A.N. Hendriks at Deacons’ conference).

The outside world looks at Christians as: people who “have their own view”, a religious view. If the Truth today is considered “just a view”, it confronts Christians with a new challenge. Our view will now, more than ever, need to be displayed rather than spoken (Dr. Anton van der Hoeven).

How Do I Reach My Fellow Man🔗

We have three papers about Word and deed, about doctrine and life in a culture that no longer knows God.

All three presentations focus attention on the gospel of Jesus Christ.

That Word is edifying for all people.

That Word is THE Truth, because it comes from God. It is not just “a view”, but THE View of God. This Word is not neutral: you choose either for or against.

But how do you deliver such a message in the Netherlands of today? In our postmodern culture where everyone has their own opinion, where certainly no claim may be made for the Truth of Christ? How do I still reach my fellow man in such a climate?

That is the urgent question posed in the abovementioned articles.

Allow Christ to be Seen in Your Example🔗

How do I show the gospel of Jesus Christ today? That is the crucial question. The gospel of salvation encompasses more than words. You can relate the gospel but you can also show the gospel. That is the moment that you portray Christ and reflect his image. This is deaconate.

Deaconate is actually: showing the love of Christ through deeds of mercy both inside and outside the church.

Deaconate is the visible love of Christ.

Deaconate has to do with deeds, with action and with serving. Not only by the deacons but by all church members. This serving has been “exemplified” by Jesus Christ. We may be his disciples. Through our deeds of mercy we may display what our Saviour did. He did not stop at using words only, he healed and helped, he comforted and encouraged. So we too, may approach our culture today.

Christians should put the walk with the talk.

Helpfully Active🔗

When the early Christian church in the first centuries of our era was confronted with a pandemic, Christians became helpfully active. Not by preaching but by helping. Not only inwardly but also outwardly. In this way the Christian community was noticed! The deeds of mercy went ahead and so created room for the gospel of salvation.

Word and deed do not oppose one another. They belong together and augment one another.

In a culture where THE WORD and THE TRUTH are considered to be one of many opinions, visible deeds of Christian mercy and a “noticeable” and “pure” Christian life reach the heart of our fellow man far earlier than do pious words, even though these may be correct a hundred times over.

The display of Christian mercy to people in need today, is an important avenue of showing Christ to the modern man. Who can do this better than Christ inspired church members, volunteers and professionals?

Deacons and deaconesses that are active in healing and helping!

Attention to “Outside”🔗

More deeds with the Word then. Not by making the Word less important. But as a Christian community, by becoming more active in visible Christian acts of mercy to people in need outside the congregation. For that we need creativity! And it is evident!

With this in mind the congregation of Hardenberg-Baalder/Baalderveld devised a practical scheme which wishes to give attention to the neighbour outside the church. The congregation wishes to be a presence in the local society. This extends from participation in neighbourhood groups, to help for non-churchgoing neighbours. From Christmas presents, to welcoming people in need into your home. In Hardenberg-Baalder systematic thought is given to the concept “do good to all men…”

How can we show the love of Christ in our own area or region, by giving attention and support, by giving a helping hand and positive presence? Nationally this approach would also be beneficial. In the beginning of the previous century it was the deaconate that instituted Christian aid organizations. When the government began to take over these tasks the deaconate disappeared from the scene.

Today, there is again a need for Christian inspired help and caring for the needy that have no other helper. (Think of asylum-seekers, hospices).

Words and Deeds🔗

We will need to consider the views in our culture about “truth and opinions”. The Truth and our opinion will now more than ever need to be on display, lived more than spoken.

In order to reach our fellow man today we may initially need to allow our deeds to open the way for the Word. More deeds with the Word.

Acts of mercy for a world in need.

That is the visible love of Christ.

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