This is a Children’s Devotion on Matthew 6:30b.

2020. 1 pages.

Matthew 6:30b

Read: Matthew 6:25–34

Do you ever have times when you struggle with your faith? You might have times when you aren’t sure if the Lord listens to you. You might sometimes struggle with your sins and feel like you can’t really be forgiven. Maybe you sometimes wonder, “Did Jesus really die for me?”

Over the years, many people have asked the same question. If you think these things sometimes, you are not alone. There is even an article in our confessions which says that believers have times of doubt and questions.

Here in Matthew 6, Jesus Christ calls his disciples “people of little faith.” Even the disciples who lived and worked with Jesus, doubted sometimes. So just because you sometimes struggle to believe that God is listening to you, don’t think that you are not his child.

But what should you do when you feel this way? You need to keep reading and studying the Bible, including this passage in Matthew. Jesus reminds us that God is in control of our whole life. Even when we don’t feel it, God is still there caring for us. He is our heavenly Father. He loves you and will always care for you. If he cares for the birds and the flowers, he will care for you his child. He is working through everything in your life even if it doesn’t feel like it.

Jesus said, “Don’t worry about tomorrow.” Christ wants you to trust the Father. He knows what you need today, and he will give you his grace for everything that you need today. Tomorrow he will help you again, so leave tomorrow in the Lord’s hands. Instead focus on today and serving the Lord today. Seek his kingdom. Walk by faith, and God your loving, heavenly Father will be with you. He never grows weary or tired, but always looks after his children.

So, when you start struggling with your faith and doubting God, read his Word. See in there all his promises to care for you his child and to forgive you for Jesus’ sake.

Reflection with your child:

What should you do if you start doubting God’s love for you?

Source: Sermon by Rev. David Pol

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