This is a Children’s Devotion on Matthew 5:43–48.

2021. 1 pages.

Matthew 5:43–48

In the Old Testament, God had chosen his people Israel. They were God’s covenant children. And the Lord had instructed the Israelites to destroy all their enemies. To keep their covenant relationship with the Lord, they needed to destroy all the people who went against them.

In these verses Jesus tells the disciples that now that his kingdom has come, this battle has become a spiritual battle.  We no longer need to destroy the enemies as the Old Testament people did, but now Jesus teaches us to deal with our enemies differently. We must love our enemies. Love here means to serve the other person and to try and help them.

Yes, there still are enemies of God today. There are many people who don’t believe in the Lord and even people who will persecute Christians. Maybe you’ve had people say nasty things to you because you are a Christian. Jesus tells us to be loving to these people and to pray for them. Show kindness and pray that they too will come to faith in God.

Why do we need to love our enemies in this way? Jesus says, “Because you are sons and daughters of your Father in heaven.” Through the work of Jesus Christ, you now belong to this kingdom. By grace you are God’s adopted child. Now show that you are God’s child by showing the same love to others as he shows to them. The Lord is very patient with the unbelievers. He keeps sending them sunshine and rain to give them time to repent and turn to him. So, too, we must be kind and patient with the enemies of God.

This will not always be easy. It certainly wasn’t easy for people who were persecuted by being thrown to the lions or burnt on a stake. And yet some of them prayed for their persecutors as they were dying. And it may not always be easy for you. But you are God’s child, so he will help you to love your enemies and pray for them.

Reflection with your child:

What does it mean to love your enemies?

Source: Sermon by Rev. D. Agema

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