This is a Children’s Devotion on Lamentations 5:20-21.

2021. 1 pages.

Lamentations 5:20-21

Read: Lamentations 5 (part 2)

The children of Israel had repented of their sins and were waiting for the Lord to restore their crown. In these verses they were asking the Lord why it was taking so long for them to be restored as God’s people. They knew that God reigned forever. They knew that his promises would always stand. And so they knew that God would restore them again, but why did it take so long?

When they said, “Turn us back to you, O Lord,” they were not asking that they would repent of their sins. They had already done that. They were asking that the Lord would let them return to Jerusalem. They didn’t want to be in exile anymore, but they wanted to be back in the city God had chosen for them and back as God’s special people. They wanted to see God’s grace in their lives.

But God didn’t restore them in the way that they wanted, because he was going to restore them in a much greater way. God had much greater promises for the children of Israel. God was not only going to live with them in Jerusalem, but God was going to live in them with his Holy Spirit. God was going to send his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. So even though the children of Israel thought that God was taking far too long to restore their crown, God was busy working for them.

Through the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, they would not just return from exile, but they would be crowned with glory and honour. Jesus Christ had a crown of thorns put on his head so that they could have the crown of glory. And he has done that for us also.

We are not unimportant people wandering around on this earth, but we are God’s chosen children. We are his covenant people. Because of Christ’s work for us and the Holy Spirit in us, we already have this crown of glory. We are kings and queens of our great King, the Lord God Almighty.

Reflection with your child:

What was the great promise that God had for the children of Israel?

Source: Sermon by Rev. A. van Delden

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