This is a Children’s Devotion on Jonah 1:1-9.

2021. 1 pages.

Jonah 1:1-9

Imagine there was a group of murders who were not sorry for committing murder, but who instead boasted about these murders. Then imagine that you had to go to these murderers and tell them about the Lord.

In a way, this is what Jonah had to do when he was told by the Lord to preach to the people of Nineveh. They were great enemies of the Israelites and had murdered many people and hurt their women and children. We can understand that Jonah didn’t want to do this. But even though it was understandable, it was very wrong.

So what did Jonah do? He ran away, far away. He didn’t even speak to the Lord and ask him for help. Even Moses did that when he begged the Lord to send someone instead of him to Egypt. Jonah, however, didn’t pray to the Lord but went on a boat to try and escape God. And even on the boat after the storm started, he didn’t pray. When the sailors asked him about the storm, he said that he worshipped God, but he didn’t show this in his actions. Jonah was part of God’s special covenant people, and so God had promised to be with Jonah, but he was breaking the covenant. He wanted nothing to do with God.

Jonah’s act of running away from God and the task God gave him to do, points us to the need we have of a Saviour. Someone needed to come to this world, to us, to sinners, and preach to us. And Jesus Christ is that Person. He didn’t run away when sent by God but came willingly. He came to die on the cross so that we can now be forgiven sinners. He came to teach us that he is the only way to salvation. Oh, what wonderful news.

Now we are all prophets of the Lord and can share this news of Christ’s salvation. Let us not run away but always share the good news of God’s love with those around us.

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