This is a Children’s Devotion on John 20:29b.

2020. 1 pages.

John 20:29b

Read: John 20:24–29

Jesus had risen from the dead, and the twelve apostles all found it hard to believe. Even though Jesus had told them that he was going to rise, they didn’t believe it. When Jesus appeared to them on the Sunday morning, they had to believe. But Thomas was not with the other disciples at that time, so he didn’t see Jesus. When the other disciples told Thomas that Jesus had risen and that they had seen him, Thomas refused to believe. Thomas didn’t just doubt it, but he refused to believe. He said, “It can’t be true. I won’t believe it unless I actually see him with my own eyes and feel the holes in his hands. No, I do not believe you.”

Thomas’ unbelief is a picture of what we are all like in and of ourselves. If it wasn’t for God’s work in us, we also would refuse to believe in Jesus and that he died and rose again. That’s what our sinful hearts are like.

But Jesus appeared to Thomas a week later. The following Sunday morning when all the disciples were together again, including Thomas, Jesus entered the room. He spoke directly to Thomas telling him to feel the holes in his hand and to believe.

When Thomas saw Jesus and heard his words, he did indeed believe. He then realized that Christ had risen and that, by doing so, he had forgiven Thomas’ sins. Jesus had overcome death. Thomas confessed, “My Lord and My God.” He understood that Jesus is actually the Lord. He could put all his hope in him.

There will be many people who will believe through the working of the Holy Spirit without seeing. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Who are these people? It’s us that Jesus is talking about. You have not seen Jesus and yet you believe. You are blessed! Jesus said that himself. To be blessed means that God loves you and looks down on you with special care and love, knowing everything about you. You are blessed to believe in Jesus.

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