This is a Children’s Devotion on Job 28:28.

2021. 1 pages.

Job 28:28

Read: Job 28:20–28

People have made some amazing things. Think about the international space station. Think about how much information a tiny computer or phone can store. That’s a lot more information than you can remember in your whole life. Or think about a huge airplane that seems to glide effortlessly through the skies. People have to be very clever to build these things.

Yet, as clever as people are, they cannot give wisdom. True wisdom can only come from one place, from one Person. Only the Lord knows true wisdom. People can be very clever, but they cannot tell us why things happen. They cannot explain the things that happen in this world.

Job’s three friends thought that they were wise and gave Job many wrong explanations for why he had lost everything and got so sick. But God didn’t allow them to have the last say. Instead God put his words in Job’s mouth so that we can all learn about true wisdom and where to find it.

We can’t buy wisdom. We can’t find wisdom by searching the seas or the forests. It is God alone that gives wisdom. And the wisdom that God gives is wisdom to life. God’s wisdom tells us about who we are, how sinful we are, about God’s love for us and the covenant God made with us. God’s wisdom tells us about Jesus Christ and his love for us. It’s this wisdom that we need in life. It’s this wisdom that gives us peace to trust God when things don’t go how we would like. It’s this wisdom that gives us joy even in sad times.

And God gives us this wisdom. As his precious covenant children, he wants us to be wise in his ways. And that’s why we have been given the Bible, God’s words of wisdom to us. In there we can read all about God and how we can serve him. Listen to God’s Word and let it be the instruction of your life. Love the wisdom of the Lord. Love the Bible!

Reflection with your child:

Where can we find true wisdom?

Source: Sermon by Rev. C. Bosch

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