What does it mean that God is awesome? This article, a New Year's meditation, weighs in.

Source: Clarion, 2004. 2 pages.

God Is Awesome

We have entered into a new year. Under the government of God, this world has added another year to its existence, and we were allowed to live through another year to serve Him. It is good to take a moment to consider the fact that God made all this, and that He made all of our life and work possible. The admiration for God is often expressed by saying that God is awesome. Looking carefully at this expression and understanding it properly can help us to see our life and work in the coming year in the proper perspective.

The word “awesome” is quite old; it used to mean something like awe-inspiring. However, rather suddenly it has gained popularity. When people see or hear something that is striking, they exclaim: Awesome! I do not remember it was used as an exclamation before, but now the word frequently comes up in conversations. An old word is used in a new way.

And it is not only used for events in this world, it is now also applied to God. You can hear people say with admiration: God is awesome! This exclamation wants to express that God is exceptional and surprising. It wants to convey a feeling of wonder and excitement about God, but it is not clear what exactly is expressed by it. We need to look in Scripture to find out in what sense it can be used for God.

Just as the exclamation “awesome!” is new, stating that God is awesome is also a new development. In the old King James Version of the Bible, the word does not occur at all. In the RSV translation, the word is used, but not in connection with God. It is mentioned only once, in Genesis 28:17, when Jacob had received a dream in which he saw God, and God’s angels going up and down between the earth and God. Then he exclaimed: “How awesome is this place.” He is not speaking about God, but about the place where God had revealed himself in a vision.

It is in the NIV that the word becomes more prominent, for the word is used thirty-four times. Of these texts, more than ten use it for God himself, and the other texts refer to God’s works. The frequent use of this word in the NIV is probably the reason why the expression that God is awesome has suddenly gained popularity. It is an important word determining our attitude to God. As we want to live close to our awesome God in the coming year, this is a good reason to look more carefully at the meaning of this.

Some Biblical Examples🔗

God is called “awesome” right after the people of Israel had crossed the Red Sea. On that occasion, the army of the Egyptians which had pursued them had been washed away. Moses composed a song in commemoration of God’s salvation, in which he said about God: “Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders” (Exodus 15:11). We can easily understand that the Israelites stood in awe when they looked back at the Red Sea. For God had shown his majesty over nature. First, He had stopped the waters from flowing, allowing his people cross the sea, and then He let the water resume its course. This is an event that even today we cannot fathom. God is so great that He is able to let the water stand up like a brick wall, showing how awesome He is.

There is more to this event, for God used this same wall of water to come down on the pursuing Egyptian army, and to wash them away. This, too, is awesome, but it can make us feel small and insecure. That God is awesome does not only mean that He is great, it includes that He is great in his destructing power. He used this power to protect his people, and to fulfil his old promises to his people Israel. Looking back on this powerful saving event for his people, Moses said that God is awesome.

The same word comes up when the people are at the border of Canaan, and the conquest of the promised land is discussed. Moses encourages the people of Israel not to be terrified of the inhabitants of Canaan, “for the Lord your God, who is among you, is a great and awesome God” (Deuteronomy 7:22). He goes on to provide further explanation of what “awesome” means: God will drive out the nations from Canaan when the Israelites enter the country God has promised them. He will throw them into great confusion till they are destroyed. God will give these kings into the power of his people Israel. As a result, no one will be able to resist the Israelites. Rather, God’s people will destroy these nations (Deuteronomy 7:22-24). God is awesome, and He shows that in making his own nation of Israel stronger than all the peoples living in Canaan.

There is yet another aspect of the fact that God is awesome. The God who is awesome, can turn against his own people. Daniel mentioned this in the prayer he sent up to God when Israel was in captivity in Babylon. He calls God “the great and awesome God” who keeps his covenant of love with all who love him and obey his commands (Daniel 9:4). But that is not the case for Israel, for they are in captivity because they have not listened to the prophets who spoke in the name of God. God is not only awesome when He saves his people, He is equally awesome when He punishes his people. And they had experienced that themselves when they had lost their country and were deported all the way to Babylon. They had sinned against God, and as a result they have been scattered over the nations (Daniel 9:7, 8).

God is awesome, not only when He helps his people and gives them blessings, but also when He sees his people act against his will. God caused a great, international migration of the nations to punish them. No means are too forceful for God when He wants his people to feel that they are doing wrong.

He can be “hard as nails” when He causes punishment in order to bring his people back to his ways. In Psalm 145:6, David speaks of God’s awesome works. The list of these awesome works ends with:

The Lord watches over all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy. Psalm 145:20

The New Year🔗

We are at the beginning of a new year. It is a great blessing that we are allowed to enter another year in the world made by God. He continues the life of the world He has created, and He gives us more time. God’s work in this world is marvellous and must be praised. We are grateful that we may receive so many great benefits He has made available to us.

On entering the new year we should have a clear understanding who God is. When we say that God is awesome, we should not have a fuzzy idea of a teddy bear God. He has made it completely clear what his awesomeness means. It tells us that He is overwhelmingly great in his work. And that shows in everything He does. He is awesome in protecting his people, even when they are a small minority in a big country. However, that same awesomeness of God can turn against us, when we persevere in turning away from Him and going our own way. He is awesome in his punishment when he needs to.

A clear understanding of the fact that God is awesome will work as a compass to direct our lives to Him.

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