This is a Children’s Devotion on Ephesians 5:15-18.

2022. 1 pages.

Ephesians 5:15-18

A tightrope walker is someone who walks across a rope which is tied tightly, high above the ground. A lot of skill and years of practice are needed for someone to learn how to tightrope walk. A tightrope walker needs to walk very carefully, paying close attention every time he puts his foot on the rope. He also needs light to be able to see where he is going. He needs to be focused on where he is heading.

Paul tells us that we have to walk circumspectly. The word circumspectly is a word that is similar to the English word “acrobat” or “tightrope walker.” So maybe Paul had this in mind when he said to walk circumspectly or carefully.

Paul is writing this to Christians. They lived in an evil time. They were being persecuted for serving the Lord, and wicked things were happening around them. And not only were bad things happening around them, but just like us, their hearts were sinful. From themselves they wouldn’t even want to serve the Lord. And yet the Lord had taken them out of the kingdom of Satan and brought them into his kingdom. He had made them his children. He has made us his children.

As children of God, we need to use every day that God gives us to serve him. For an acrobat to learn to walk a tightrope, he needs to train hard and listen carefully to people who have done it before him. And so, as Christians we need to train hard and listen to those who teach us. We train by reading God’s Word and listening to our minister, parents, teachers, and others who teach us how to serve God. We need to spend a lot of time learning what God’s will is.

Just like the tightrope walker needs to be careful where he steps, we need to be careful what we do in life. We must do all things to the praise and glory of God. Of course, we can’t do this ourselves, and that is why the Lord has filled us with his Spirit to help us walk carefully.

Reflection with your child:

What does Paul mean when he says we have to walk carefully?

Source: Sermon by Rev. K. Dekker

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