This is a Children’s Devotion on Ephesians 2:8.

2022. 1 pages.

Ephesians 2:8

Read: Ephesians 2:1-10

What is the best gift you have ever been given? Maybe a new bike, a game, or a book? Or possibly a wonderful holiday with your family? We have all received some wonderful gifts in our life. In these verses, Paul tells us about a gift the God gives us. God gives each of his children this wonderful gift. This gift is that we are saved through faith in Jesus Christ.

Why is our salvation such a great gift? Does it change anything in our lives? Yes, it certainly does! Without this gift from God, Paul says, we would all be dead in sin. If we didn't belong to God, we would hate God. We would want to do the opposite to what God tells us to do. Without this gift of salvation, we would want to listen to the devil, Satan, and do what he says. Satan would be happy because he's trying to get as many people as he can to serve him. He would be very happy if we all followed him. He would be happy to take us all to hell with him. And without God's gift, we would all be happy to follow Satan all the way to hell.

But God didn't want to leave his children in the hands of Satan. He didn't want us to stay dead in our sins, and so he sent his Son, his beloved Son, to die, to pay for our sins. All of our sins were put to death with Christ on the cross. He suffered the eternal punishment instead of us. And he rose again, showing that God was happy with his payment for sin.

The Bible says that we too are raised and sit together in heavenly places with Jesus. This means that spiritually we have been raised; made alive. We no longer belong to Satan, but to Jesus Christ. Through Christ we now have power over sin. Yes, we do still sin, but we are also forgiven in Christ. God has given us the gift of salvation. We belong to Christ and not to Satan!

Reflection with your child:

What is the best gift you have ever been given?

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