This is a Children’s Devotion on Daniel 4:34.

2021. 1 pages.

Daniel 4:34

Read: Daniel 4:1-3 and 34–37

Nebuchadnezzar was a very mighty king. He had achieved many things during his life. He had built the great city of Babylon and made huge hanging gardens. He had won many battles and ruled over the known world of his days. All these things made Nebuchadnezzar a very proud man. He thought that he had achieved all these things, and he didn’t acknowledge the Lord as the one who gave him all things.

And so, the Lord warned Nebuchadnezzar in a dream. If he continued to be a proud man then the Lord was going to bring him down completely, just like that tree in his dream was chopped down.

The Lord gave Nebuchadnezzar a whole year to listen to this warning. But Nebuchadnezzar didn’t listen, and so a year later it happened that he was brought down completely and he became like an animal. After his time as a beast, Nebuchadnezzar finally humbled himself and acknowledged God as the Most High.

Here is a warning for all of us as well. Do you think you are a proud person? Maybe you don’t think you are, but do you get angry when someone says things that you don’t like? Do you sometimes think that you are better than others, or are you proud of your sporting ability? We all have pride in our hearts. We all think that we are very important. So often we don’t realize that we are being proud, but whenever we say something bad about others, or boast about our things, we are making ourselves out to be important. We are praising ourselves instead of God.

To be truly humble means to stop looking at ourselves and instead look up to God. He is the one who gives us our clothes, food, and abilities at school or in sport. He gives us everything we have. Ask God to make you humble, and with His Spirit he will help you take your eyes off yourself and to focus on Christ and the wonderful gifts he has given you. Then you can praise God with your gifts.

Reflection with your child:

List some things that you sometimes say that can be prideful.

Source: Sermon by Rev. D. Poppe

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