This is a Children’s Devotion on Colossians 2:16-19.

2021. 1 pages.

Colossians 2:16-19

What makes you a Christian? What saves you? Are you a Christian because you read the Bible faithfully every day? Does remembering to pray lots save you? Does wearing your best clothes to church make you a good Christian? Have you got more chance of being saved than your friend whose hair is never done nicely or who stumbles with her words a bit when she prays?

Even though these verses are hard to understand, we know that the Holy Spirit is telling us here that these things do not save us. Yes, it is very good and important to pray and read the Bible. Yes, it is very important to prepare properly for church and to listen to the preaching carefully. But just doing all these things is not going to make you want to sin less. It is not going to make you a better person.

There were some false teachers who were telling the Colossian people that they should go back and practice some of the Old Testament laws again. They were saying that this would help them to be better Christians. Others were acting very religious and holy, and making sure everyone knew about all the good things that they did. Paul says that these people were just puffed up and proud.

And so, Paul warns the Colossians here not to worry about these people and what they were teaching. Instead, they needed to be focused on Christ. Christ alone can save us. We need to hold fast to Christ. In Christ we have all that we need to be saved. We need to believe in Jesus Christ, and believe that he came to save us. We need to go to him for forgiveness when we sin.

And then, out of thankfulness for God’s love for you, of course you will want to read the Bible and pray, and of course you will want to prepare well for the Sunday. These things are all very important. But while you are doing these things, always remember Christ and his love and grace for you.

Reflection with your child:

Can doing all the right things save you?

Source: Sermon by Rev. R. Vermeulen


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