This is a Children’s Devotion on Acts 4:12.

2020. 1 pages.

Acts 4:12

What has Jesus saved us from? We all know that Jesus is the only name by which we can be saved. But what does this mean? Does it just mean that we will have eternal life one day, or is it also helpful for today?

We have three enemies and Jesus saves us from all of them. He helps us to fight against all three enemies.

Our first enemy is Satan. Satan hates God and us, and he sends out his evil helpers to attack us. Satan wants us to take our eyes off Jesus and focus on ourselves. He wants us to think that we can save ourselves and that we don’t need Jesus. Satan thought that he had won the battle when Jesus died on the cross, but Jesus rose from the dead and so has conquered Satan. And now Jesus gives us his Word and Holy Spirit to fight Satan.

Our second enemy is the world. The world is anything that is against God. There are many things around us that tempt us to do the wrong thing. All these things want us to find happiness without Christ. Jesus saves us from these as well. He helps us to look to him for true happiness. We can’t be really happy without Christ.

Our last enemy is ourselves, our own sinful flesh. Deep inside ourselves we often love sin. We know we shouldn’t sin, and we love Jesus, and yet we still like sin as well. Sometimes we just want to say something nasty back to others. Sometimes we just want to steal that lolly or be lazy. Our sinful nature still wants to sin. We also need saving from that.

Thankfully Jesus saves us from all three of these enemies. He has overcome Satan, the world, and our own sinful flesh. They do still fight us today and we do still sin, but Christ has already won the victory. None of these things will be able to separate us from our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Reflection with your child:

What are our three enemies?

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