This is a Children’s Devotion on 1 Thessalonians 4:9–12.

2020. 1 pages.

1 Thessalonians 4:9-12

Are there people in your church or in your class that you find hard to love? They may be annoying or wanting your attention all the time or have different opinions than you do. How much love do you need to show to them? Do you really have to be kind to them?

This is the same question that Paul must have been asked by the Thessalonians. Paul’s answer to this question is that he shouldn’t have to answer this for them. They had seen the love of God for them. They knew that they were sinners and Christ in love had died on the cross. They were also very good at showing their love to the people who lived in the region of Macedonia. Paul had praised them earlier in this letter for the love that they showed to the people around them. They must show the same love to people in their congregation.

The same applies to us. We must show this same love to those in our church or class. If we refuse to show love to others, then we should take a good hard look at our own hearts. Do we really appreciate the love God shows us? Do you realize how great a sinner you are, and that Christ died and rose for you? Do you realize that God gives you grace every day again as he forgives you time and again? If you know this love and grace in your own life, then you must show that to others as well.

Paul tells us how we must show this love to others. We must lead quiet lives, without interfering in other people’s business and we must work hard. Paul isn’t saying that we shouldn’t show concern for others. Of course we should. But if something isn’t your business, don’t interfere. And certainly don’t gossip about other people. Instead, go about your own work at school or wherever quietly, without seeking attention for yourself. Work hard and show the love of Christ to those around you.

Reflection with your child:

Why should you show love to those around you?

Source: Sermon by Rev. H. Alkema

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