This is a Children’s Devotion on 1 Thessalonians 3:6.

2020. 1 pages.

1 Thessalonians 3:6

Read: 1 Thessalonians 3:6 –13

If you hear some good news, what might it be? Would it be that you are going on a holiday or that your grandparents are coming to visit or that you can choose whatever you like for dinner? Paul also hears good news from Timothy about the people in Thessalonica. Because of his love for the Thessalonians, Paul had sent his beloved Timothy to go to them and support them. Now Timothy has returned with a report of good news about the Thessalonians.

The good news that Timothy gives has nothing to do with holidays or delicious food but is about their wonderful faith. Timothy reports that the Thessalonians love the Lord greatly. This indeed makes Paul very happy. These people are dear to him, and nothing makes him happier than that they love the Lord. Paul knows that even if they face hardship because of their love for the Lord, they will still be okay. Their love for the Lord will help them during difficult times.

Do you know that this is what makes your parents the happiest too? When you really love the Lord, when you trust in the Lord and turn to him in hard times, this makes your parents very happy and thankful. This is what your parents pray for you more than anything else. Just like Paul prayed it for the Thessalonians night and day, your parents and grandparents pray that you will always serve the Lord too. They pray that you will grow in your faith.

That’s also why your parents teach you about the Lord, why they read the Bible with you and talk about the sermons. They want you to be busy with God’s Word every day. By reading the Bible, listening to sermons, singing Psalms of praise and praying to the Lord, you will, by the working of the Holy Spirit, be able to grow in your love for the Lord.

And that is truly good news. Nothing is better news than when you and your dear ones love the Lord.

Reflection with your child:

What do you think makes your parents very happy?

Source: Sermon by Rev. H. Alkema

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