In the section Living Word we want to provide sermon outlines to help pastors in the preparation for their important and central task of preaching. We try to provide help in the exposition and the application of the text. We have 149 sermon outlines available at the moment! This week: Matthew 19:13-15.
People sometimes think that the purpose of obeying God’s law is simply to keep him happy. It is true that he is pleased when we keep his law, but the reason why God gave us his law is not for his good, it is for our good. This is the God who is the creator of human life, the God who knows what is best for his people and for all people. The Ten Commandments are often described as the Maker’s instructions – for how human life will function best. Life is most fulfilled and happy when we keep God’s law.Christopher J. H. Wright
This section has articles specifically for youth. The Lord promised that the outpouring of his Spirit will affect even the youth in a wonderful way (Acts 2:17). Therefore, youth will also be interested to learn what it means to be a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ.
You can find material here that is suitable for Bible study. The purpose of these articles is to give an overview of longer Bible passages. This material is suitable for personal or group Bible study. Some of the Bible studies have questions which can be used for discussion.